EF Stories: Giorgia from Switzerland at EF Munich
Deciding to start my experience in Munich with the EF school was one of the best choices I've ever made.
Everything started with a 'let's see what happens', and I must say that now, a month away from the end of my language stay, I realize it was truly a surprise; I knew that experiences like this leave a mark, but I didn't think it would be so profound.
Undertaking this kind of adventure has always been a dream of mine, and since I love languages, I decided to give it a shot by combining three months of intensive German study with a subsequent three-month internship. I went to the Language and Internship Office of the Canton with a friend, with whom I shared the experience. After several interviews, we chose Munich as our destination. This location was completely new to the Canton's program, just as the collaboration with the EF school had not been previously planned.
I remember the first day I arrived at the family's house who would host me for six months. I was with my parents and brother, who decided to accompany me and take the opportunity to visit the city. I was quite nervous but also curious to meet my host family (Gastfamilie). I felt at ease with them from the very beginning and established a great relationship.
The building was located near one of Munich's main stations. I practically lived downtown, and in this regard, I was very fortunate. The apartment was on the fifth and top floor, without an elevator. I can't forget the expression on my dad's face when he realized we would have to carry my four suitcases up five flights of stairs!
But the funniest moment came when my mother and I were at the doorstep, and my host father didn't want to let us in. My mother immediately thought we had to remove our shoes. However, the real reason was quite different... the bag I had from Bayern München. He was a fan of the rival team, Munich 1860.
For the entire duration of my stay, that bag stayed in my room, and every time he caught a glimpse of it, there was teasing. I still laugh thinking about it!
The first week I was a bit disoriented, but by the second week, I began to love the city and the atmosphere created at school with fellow students and teachers. The school had a very familial feel, partly because it's relatively small. This allowed me to form wonderful relationships, and I made fantastic friends that I'm sure I'll keep in touch with over time.
A unique aspect of the EF school that struck me was the informal way students could address teachers, the principal, and all EF staff. I personally appreciated this, as I think it contributes to the familial atmosphere you feel in the classrooms and hallways.
During the first three months, I attended a course preparing for the internship. It was an interesting course with a small group of students, and it was especially helpful as it taught me the terms and vocabulary related to the work environment. After several preparatory lessons, I had an interview with the school's sales office, and in November, I started my work adventure, still with EF.
I immediately felt very comfortable, at ease with the environment and colleagues. Even though the beginning was challenging, given I wasn't used to working rhythms, the internship helped me take my first steps in the professional world. I believe I've acquired several skills that will be useful for my future. Working at the EF sales office allowed me to maintain contact with the school and often provide practical support, like the time I had to welcome all the new students with the staff, giving them information, taking photos, and guiding them on a city tour.
I recommend everyone to have an experience like mine and discover new realities and cultures. Leaving home, changing countries, meeting people from all over the world, improving language skills, and later applying the linguistic and professional knowledge acquired enriches us, even internally.
I will always cherish the memory of these six months in Munich. Now, I am looking forward to another stay in San Diego, and I'm very curious to see how it will go...